2022-12-30 Take it with a grain of salt
2022-12-29 Put your money where your mouth is
2022-12-28 Beat around the bush
2022-12-27 Under the weather
2022-12-26 Pet peeve
2022-12-26 ¡¼ìíÜâåÞ単åÞ¡½¡¡ÓâªÁØЪà
2022-12-23 ¡¼ìíÜâåÞøúúÞ¡½¡¡öâìÑú¼ëð
2022-12-22 ¡¼ìíÜâåÞøúúÞ¡½¡¡虫ª¬ª¤ª¤
2022-12-21 ¡¼ìíÜâåÞøúúÞ¡½¡¡ìéìÑîñ
2022-12-23 Cool as a cucumber
2022-12-22 Icing on the cake
2022-12-21 Hit the hay
2022-12-20 Keep one's nose clean
2022-12-19 The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence
2022-12-20 ¡¼ìíÜâåÞøúúÞ¡½¡¡òÁú¾ª­